Innovation Faire......
On June 7th, 2014 we had the first ever Mount Hebron Innovation Faire and
It was a huge success. Activities included were:
marshmallow pvc shooter construction
creation of *mini contraptions from common household items
sculpy creations
kinetic art sculptures
fuzzy friends (art craft chia pets)
makey makey
snap circuits
We Do robots (Legos)
engineering competitions (gum drop dome, paper table/chair)
On June 7th, 2014 we had the first ever Mount Hebron Innovation Faire and
It was a huge success. Activities included were:
marshmallow pvc shooter construction
creation of *mini contraptions from common household items
sculpy creations
kinetic art sculptures
fuzzy friends (art craft chia pets)
makey makey
snap circuits
We Do robots (Legos)
engineering competitions (gum drop dome, paper table/chair)